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\maketitle \noindent{\bf Abstract: }This paper reports the first high power tests of hybrid photonic band gap (PBG) accelerator structures. Three hybrid PBG (HPBG) structures were designed, built and tested at 17.14 GHz. Each structure had a triangular lattice array with 60 inner sapphire rods and 24 outer copper rods sandwiched between copper disks. The dielectric PBG band gap map allows the unique feature of overmoded operation in a TM02mode, with suppression of both lower order modes, such as the TM11mode, as well as higher order modes. The use of sapphire rods, which have negligible dielectric loss, required inclusion of the dielectric birefringence in the design. The three structures were designed to sequentially reduce the peak surface electric field. Simulations showed relatively high surface fields at the triple point as well as in any gaps between components in the clamped assembly. The third structure used sapphire rods with small pin extensions at each end and obtained the highest gradient of 19 MV=m, corresponding to a surface electric field of 78 MV=m, with a breakdown probability of 5 × 10−1per pulse per meter for a 100-ns input power pulse. Operation at a gradient above 20 MV=m led to runaway breakdowns with extensive light emission and eventual damage. For all three structures, multipactor light emission was observed at gradients well below the breakdown threshold. This research indicated that multipactor triggered at the triple point limited the operational gradient of the hybrid structure.\\ %\DOI{10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.19.081304} \noindent{\bf DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.19.081304 \begin{multicols}{2} \section{INTRODUCTION} High gradient accelerator cavities are designed ideally to support only the accelerating mode and suppress the higher-order modes (HOMs). The excitation of HOMs may lead to longitudinal and transverse emittance dilution or the beam breakup, and eventually beam losses in a cavity. One novel method to damp HOMs is to use a photonic band gap (PBG) cavity. Photonic band gap (PBG) accelerator structures have the attractive feature that they are designed to support a single electromagnetic mode, thus reducing or eliminating unwanted modes generated by wakefields in an accelerator [1]. The two-dimensional (2D) periodic photonic crystal array can be constructed by arranging elements of metallic or dielectric materials in the transverse direction. By removing a few central elements of the periodic structure, a “defect” can be formed to confine electromagnetic fields [1–3]. During the past decades, experimental and theoretical studies on PBG structures have been conducted involving room temper- ature metallic materials and superconducting materials, as well as dielectric materials [4–14].\par Previous research has demonstrated the confinement of the accelerating mode. A six-cell traveling wave (TW) metallic PBG (MPBG) structure was built and successfully applied to accelerate electrons at a gradient of 35 MV=m with a TM01mode [4]. Follow-on experimental research was carried out to investigate the wakefield damping properties of the metallic PBG structure [15]. In order to achieve higher gradient, new standing wave PBG structures were designed to put into high power testing. Metallic PBG structures were high power tested to investigate breakdown phenomena at SLAC at X-Band, 11.424 GHz, and at MITat Ku-Band, 17.14 GHz [11,12,16,17]. The gradients and breakdown probabilities achieved by the metallic PBG structures were found to be comparable with those of conventional disk-loaded waveguide (DLWG) cavities [16,17]. Wakefield damping has been studied in simulation for metallic PBG structures including both room temper- ature cavities and superconducting cavities [13,18]. A superconducting PBG cavity for damping high order modes in a superconducting structure has recently been success- fully tested [19].\par Conventional cavities use the TM01mode as the oper- ation mode for acceleration, which makes damping the most dangerous HOM, the TM11dipole mode a big challenge. Due to the cutoff frequency in the band gap map, the metallic PBG structure used the TM01mode as the accelerating mode [20]. The same as the conventional cavities, the dangerous TM11dipole mode could be weakly confined in a metallic PBG structure in which only a finite number of rows of rods are included. A dielectric PBG lattice, such as the lattice of sapphire rods described in this paper, has a band gap map without a cutoff frequency [3]. This makes a dielectric PBG cavity fundamentally different from a metallic PBG cavity. Furthermore, the dielectric PBG cavity does not have to operate in the TM01mode. Operation in a higher order mode allows the potential use of larger irises and larger structure sizes, which may be very important as the accelerator frequency increases. We have developed a specific geometrical design in which the TM02 mode is confined as the accelerating mode [21,22]. The unwanted TM11dipole mode is located at lower frequency, below the band gap, and is not confined. Although a lattice made up entirely of dielectric rods could be constructed, adding metallic rods in the outside row, where the field strength is low, can enhance the structure Q [9,22]. This PBG structure that employs both metallic and dielectric material is called a hybrid photonic band gap (HPBG) structure. Dielectric materials have the potential to increase the structure Q since dielectric loss can be very small. In addition, lack of experimental data about breakdown phenomena on dielectric materials at Ku-Band motivated this high power testing of the HPBG cavity.\par This paper reports the design and the first high power tests of HPBG structures. Three structures, the HPBG-d3, the HPBG-d025, and the HPBG-Pin structure, each with a different dielectric rod design, have been high power tested. The latter two structures were designed to sequentially reduce the surface electric field. The dielectric band gap map will be presented in Sec. II, as well as the cavity modes confined by the HPBG structure. Designs of the HPBG-d3 and HPBG-Pin structure will be described in detail in Sec. III. Section IV covers the cold test results, including the demonstration of the overmoded operation. Section V discusses the results of the high power testing of the HPBG structures. Discussion and conclusion are presented in Sec. VI. \subsection{title} This is introduction.This is introduction.This is introduction.This is introduction.This is introduction.This is introduction. \subsubsection{title} This is introduction.This is introduction.This is introduction.This is introduction.This is introduction.This is introduction. \section{title} \noindent Equations: \begin{equation} E=mc^2 \end{equation} \begin{equation} H\psi=E\psi \end{equation}\\ $\partial\partial=0$, and $$\iint_S \vec{F}\cdot \vec{n}d\sigma=\iiint \nabla\times\vec{F}dV$$ \section{Conclusion} This is conclusion. This is conclusion. This is conclusion. This is conclusion. This is conclusion. This is conclusion. This is conclusion. This is conclusion. This is conclusion.This is conclusion. \section*{Acknowledgments} These are acknowledgments. These are acknowledgments. These are acknowledgments. These are acknowledgments. These are acknowledgments. These are acknowledgments. \begin{thebibliography}{100}%此处数字为最多可添加的参考文献数量 \bibitem{article1}This is reference.%title author journal data pages \bibitem{book1}This is reference.%title author publish date \end{thebibliography} \end{multicols} \end{document}